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Figure 1 | BMC Biophysics

Figure 1

From: Differences in adhesion and protrusion properties correlate with differences in migration speed under EGF stimulation

Figure 1

Increasing EGF broadens the distribution of both cell speed and persistence of MTLn3 cells while not changing MTC cell migration. A. cell speed and (um/hr) in the axis description overlaps. B. Cell persistence of MTLn3 (left) and MTC (right) under different EGF concentrations. Data for individual cells are shown as black dots. On each box, the central marker is the median; the edges of the box are the 25th and 75th percentiles; the whiskers extend to the most extreme data points not considered outliers. (For MTLn3, N 0  = 16, N 0.01  = 24, N 0.1  = 30, N 1  = 26, N 10  = 65, N 100  = 60; For MTC, N 0.01  = 26, N 1  = 24, N 100  = 41.) C. Correlation between cell speed and persistence for MTLn3 cells (white circles, N = 221) and MTC cells (black circles, N = 91). D. Coefficient of variation of cell speed for MTLn3 cells as a function of EGF concentration. E. Coefficient of variation of cell persistence for MTLn3 cells as a function of EGF concentration. Curves were fitted to a 2nd order polynomial and meant only to guide the eyes.

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